China's Huawei says it hasn't collected Facebook user data
China's Huawei says it hasn't collected Facebook user data
Facebook has acknowledged it shared user data with several Chinese handset manufacturers, including Huawei, a company flagged by U.S. intelligence officials as a …Read More
Qatar Airways boss apologizes for remarks on women CEOsSYDNEY (Reuters) - The head of Qatar Airways apologized on Wednesday for saying that a woman could not do his job, while global airlines pledged to speed up efforts to break down gender imbalances in aviation.
from Reute…Read More
Uber jumps into Europe's crowded bike-sharing marketBERLIN (Reuters) - Uber, the ride-hailing company which has been banned from many European cities, is about to launch its JUMP electric bicycle sharing service in Germany as it diversifies and seeks to build bridges with loca…Read More
Oil prices higher on Venezuela exports concerns
Oil prices higher on Venezuela exports concerns
Venezuela has the world's biggest oil reserves and is a key supplier to American fuel markets but its output has been hampered by inadequate investment, mismanagement and a …Read More
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