NASA's first-of-kind tests look to manage drone in cities
NASA's first-of-kind tests look to manage drone in cities
NASA has launched the final stage of a four-year effort to develop a national traffic management system for drones, testing them in cities for the first time beyon…Read More
Serial cyberstalker who threatened women sent to prison
Serial cyberstalker who threatened women sent to prison
A man who posted a Facebook message threatening to kill "as many girls as I see" in retaliation for years of romantic rejection has been sentenced to up to five year…Read More
Number of US homes on the market rose in 1Q as sales slowed
Number of US homes on the market rose in 1Q as sales slowed
Homebuyers in Salt Lake City, Atlanta and other big U.S. metropolitan areas are seeing a pickup in the number of homes for sale, especially in the most affordabl…Read More
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