Can Facebook recover?
Can Facebook recover?
Disruptive Tech Research's Lou Basenese on the outlook for Amazon, Twitter and Facebook.
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Twitter beats estimates on revenue but monthly usage fallsTwitter Inc posted record profit on Friday with second quarter revenue that beat financial analysts' estimates and said penalizing misbehaving users this year had paid off even though monthly usage had dropped.
from Reut…Read More
Is Facebook still a buy?
Is Facebook still a buy?
LJH Investment Advisors Managing Director Larry Haverty on the outlook for Facebook and President Trump's predictions about the second-quarter GDP.
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Sell long-in-the-tooth FAANGs, build up BRICs, say analystsInvestors poured $600 million in to U.S. technology stocks in the week leading up to poor results from Facebook , according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BAML) analysts, urging clients to sell the sector on signs inflows …Read More
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